Blast is largely glue between already established software projects. It could not
exist without them. If you use Blast, you must acknowledge and cite all
of the following projects which Blast uses; a BibTeX file is available via
the software page of our documentation. Blast is
based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
under Grant No. 80NSSC21K0834 issued through the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program.
The public deployment of Blast at is built and maintained by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and it is hosted on cyberinfrastructure provided by the NSF ACCESS program.
- Peter McGill (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- David Jones (University of Hawaiʻi)
- T. Andrew Manning (NCSA, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Lila Braff (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Dave Coulter (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- Diego Farias (University of Copenhagen)
- Ryan Foley (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Alex Gagliano (Institute For AI and Fundamental Interactions)
- Jack Kutcka (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Zhisen Lai (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Kayla Loertscher (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Gautham Narayan (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Stephen Thorp (Stockholm University)
- Ashley Villar (Harvard University)
- Bingjie Wang (Penn State University)